Version control


Thomas De Graaff

August 23, 2016


What is GitHub?



Why publish on GitHub?

How to publish on GitHub?

With GitHub Desktop push/pull is replace by sync (initial one is publish)

Assignments: Working with GitHub and GitHub desktop

Assingment 1:

  1. Open ERSA-WooW in GitHub desktop
  2. Commit changes of your Markdown paper to GitHub desktop
  3. Sync your Markdown paper to your GitHub account

Assignment 2:

  1. Create new project folder MyPaper
  2. Copy the html result of the Markdown assignment in MyPaper
  3. Rename Assingment1.html in index.html
  4. Initialise a Git repository in Github desktop (with Create)
  5. Add and commit your paper
  6. Create a new branch called gh-pages
  7. And publish all to Github
  8. Look at the website

In conclusion

In conclusion